
Look at how Jesus is changing lives among the unreached of Asia


"Growing up I’ve always been a girl who is insecure about myself. Most of the time I thought I’ll never be good enough for my teachers, friends or family. I tired so hard to fit that mold, the mold that the society tells me to be but years and years of trying nothing seems to work. 5 years ago I moved to Bangkok for university. Everything here is new to me so I thought it might be a good opportunity to be accepted in this new city and things will get better but it’s the other way around. I felt lost, isolated, broken and scattered I didn’t even know why I was here anymore I didn’t know what was the purpose of my life and no place feels like home. In this crazy city I’m surround by millions of people and no one seems to realized that I’m existed, I’d tried acting a certain way to fit in but still felt unwanted. After I met Jesus things seems to change. I started coming to church and started to feel loved. I feel like I’m surrounded by love of friends at church, everyone is like family to me and most of all I feel like I’m being loved by God. His love has changed me little by little everyday I began to accept myself and happy with who I am as God has accepted me and loved me the way I am. He doesn't only love me but also fill my life with joy that overflows. He is the one who heals and gently pulls me that had fallen into pieces up from the ground then put me back together again.
In Psalm 103:3 - 4 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.

I know that this journey of life is not going to be easy but I know that in this journey I’ll have Him beside me. If you have ever felt like me, unwanted and broken you can invite Jesus into your life and He will heal all your brokenness.

- Sarah"


"We all know, our relationships in life are dependent on whether or not we can accept others. But what if we are unable to accept ourself?  Growing up, this was my biggest struggle - being able to accept myself. I found that I easily would slip into feeling depressed, I sometimes would lock myself in my room and was afraid of seeing other people. When I was by myself, I would hear all kinds of different voices in my head, telling me: “How could you do something like that? How could you say something like that? How could you be so messed up?…They can’t stand you! You’re not good enough. No one loves you…no one cares about you…you’re worthless…you don’t matter…” These voices were suffocating, they made me feel there was no point in living, made me unable to envision any kind of future…made it difficult for me to build any type of intimate relationships, because I couldn’t see my own value. But as I started getting to know Jesus, I started getting to know myself. I realized that even if I did the wrong thing or said the wrong thing, He still loved me. He made me realize the places where I was different were actually my unique features that made me who I was, that I was one of a kind, that no matter how I was, He accepted me. This of course made me so much more self-confident. Because of Jesus, I can accept myself. I know that I am loved, that I have a destiny, that I have value!"

— Jane


"Hi everyone, I would like to share my testimony about my sister.

I’m not sure that some of you have same problem like me, I found that it’s really hard to share or speak about God with family or someone who very close to me. My sister and I are very close too. So far she’s dealing with her depression. she tends to wake up at the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep. She has to see the psychiatrist and takes some medicines. I keep praying for her. Until last month, when I joined Team Advance at church, Pastor Amanda asked everyone in the room to prayed to someone who haven’t known Christ yet. And yes, I prayed for her. 2 days later I came to her house we talked about life and her symptoms. Suddenly she started conversation about God. I was really surprised because she’s very strong Buddhist every time when I start to talk about God she teaches me about Buddhism too. this’s first time she asked about God by herself, so I shared my first experience when I found that God is real and I asked her to prove it by start to pray to God. In the middle of the night she called me ,her voice was so excited she told me that she tried to pray and God answered her pray she’s really excited but still doubt that it just a coincidence. I encouraged her to keep praying and see what God will do in her life. A few days later she called me she said it’s happened again!! I asked what’s happened, she said she was listening to songs from YouTube while she drove home then somehow it was playing the worship song, she was wondering that her favorite singer is Christian? So she grabbed the phone and searched google. The google showed the singer personal details that he’s serving in the church, she read the church address and found that, the church is just 3 meters away, it’s just in her left hand side and it’s really near her house only 10 minutes driving. She asked me to pray for her she wanted to invite Jesus into her life. It’s so unbelievable I don’t remember exactly how long I’ve prayed for her, may be almost 10 years but nothing happened sometime I think It won’t be happened, it’s too hard how it could be real. But it’s already happened today. Now her depression is better, she doesn’t need the medicines and she sleeps well at night. I’d like to encourage brothers and sisters. Keep praying to your family members Don’t giving up because we don’t know when God will open their heart. Sometimes it’s seem impossible but if we trust, it will be happened one day."

— Kai