March 2019 Newsletter

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Good Times

It’s been so good to be back in Asia! The last few days have been simply incredible (two hands up emojis here!) getting to spend time with our Met Hope team here in Thailand, the Land of Smiles! There has been lots of smiling and lots of laughing going on for sure, as God’s presence and joy has filled our times together. Besides attending a conference together with about 300 other pastors and leaders from Southeast Asia, we have prayed together, played together, eaten together, sung together, danced together, relaxed together, traveled, planned, dreamed, cried, surrendered, and once again, rededicated ourselves to God…. together. This time has been so rewarding in so many different ways! I’m so grateful for your prayers and all God has done. I honestly have no words to describe the feeling of being reunited with the people that you laid down your life for for years… that you love and care about so much… who also love and care so much for you… whom you have seen cross the line of faith, grow in God, and then lead others to do the same… people who you have labored with, that are not just “co-workers” or “leaders” but family… who now are pouring out their lives for others. God is so good!

There’s so much more I want to say, but for now, I’ll let the pictures do the talking and leave it for next month. The church, the family of God, is a beautiful thing. Thank you for the privilege of being your hands and feet to build that family to the ends of the earth.